Frequently Asked Questions About Skydiving in Georgia

Do you have questions about skydiving in Georgia? Good news! We have the answers! Skydiving is a sport that excites and fascinates millions of Americans; even if they have never gone skydiving themselves. At Georgia Skydiving, our customer service representatives field hundreds of questions from curious people every day. As a result, we have compiled a list of our most common questions and their answers and put them together on this page. If you have a question that is not listed here, call us right now and someone will be happy to satisfy your curiosity about skydiving!

Call 1.800.505.JUMP Today for FREE Information!

Are there any age requirements?

Yes. You must be 18 years of age to skydive. There are exceptions to the age requirements in some states. Please give us a call for further inquiries.

Georgia Skydiving - Click to Expand!Are there any physical requirements?

In general, the prospective student should be able to wear 30-40 pounds worth of equipment and be in a good physical shape. You will be required to walk short distances and handle the shock of the parachute deploying during your jump. If you have any health or physical problems, please contact your doctor and/or physician prior to making a reservation.

How fast do you fall?

You will be traveling anywhere between 115-130 miles per hour during your freefall.

How hard is the landing?

Landings on tandem skydives are in the hands of your instructor. They will typically land feet first or rear first. Both landings are normally very gentle. AFF jumps do not have a standard “impact” on landing. The landing will be completely up to the student and their abilities.

What if your parachute doesn’t open?

According to FAA regulations, all parachute jumps must be made with a single harness, dual parachute system with both a main and reserve canopy. The reserve parachute must be inspected and repacked every 120 days by an FAA rated parachute rigger. All of our Georgia Skydiving vendors and dropzones strictly adhere to these regulations to ensure your safety.

Tandem Skydiving - Click to Expand!What does the Tandem jump consist of?

The tandem skydiving package starts with a 45 minute training class. After training is complete, you will then board the plane and start to climb to altitude. Once the aircraft reaches altitude, you will harness to your instructor and prepare for the most thrilling activity you will ever experience! Once the pilot gives the green light, you will jump out of the aircraft, attached to your instructor, and begin your decent! You will experience a 40 to 60 second free fall, and a 5 to 7 minute canopy ride. Once on the ground, you will be able to discuss the experience with fellow jumpers and local instructors!

What does the Accelerated Free Fall jump consist of?

The accelerated free fall package consists of a 4 to 6 hour training class. After training is complete, you will then board the plane and start to climb to altitude. Once the aircraft reaches altitude and the pilot gives the green light, you will jump out of the aircraft and begin your decent! Two certified instructors will be jumping with you to ensure your safety and proper execution of each maneuver. Expect a 40 to 60 second freefall and a 5 to 7 minute canopy ride during your decent.

Accelerated Free Fall Skydiving - Click to Expand!What does the AFF Certification program consist of?

The AFF program consists of 7 different levels. Levels 1-3 require two AFF instructors to accompany you during the experience. Levels 4-7 only require one instructor and typically cost less than prior levels. Throughout the whole program, students will learn different techniques and skills, such as turns, forward movements, front flips, etc. After completing the AFF program, you are only 20 jumps away from receiving your A license!

How much does it cost?

Prices vary from facility to facility. Tandem jumps typically start right around $190 while AFF jumps are usually around $300. Video pricing varies.

How do you breathe in freefall?

Breathing during freefall is not difficult in any way. Because of the pressure and high rate of speed, oxygen molecules will actually enter through your skin as well as your lungs until your parachute deploys.

What does the deployment of the parachute feel like?

Once the parachute is deployed, you will feel a slight tug throughout your body. The pressure is evenly distributed through your body because of the harness you will be wearing.

How far in advance should I make a reservation?

We recommend at least a one week notice when making a reservation. Larger groups should give earlier notice to ensure enough room to accommodate everyone for the same time slot.

We hope that this has answered some of your questions about skydiving in Georgia. If you have more questions or would like to make a reservation now, contact Georgia Skydiving and one of our skydiving experts will be happy to help you!

Contact Georgia Skydiving today at 1.800.505.JUMP and book the adventure of a lifetime!

*To make any skydive you must be at least 18 years of age.

Frequently Asked Questions about Skydiving in Georgia
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Frequently Asked Questions about Skydiving in Georgia
Georgia Skydiving FAQ
Glossary of Skydiving Terms:

(Automatic Activation Device) A device used to automatically deploy a parachute at the correct altitude.

(Accelerated Free Fall) A program that allows jumpers to experience skydiving without a tandem instructor attached to him/her.

A social gathering of skydivers. Boogies typically have large aircrafts and hold special events. They also compete in skydiving competitions.

(Drop Zone) The facility where skydive jumps are performed. Drop zones typically supply aircrafts, instruction, gear sales, and other services.

The action when both toggles on the canopy are pulled down in order to slow your decent rate and make the landing impact easier. 

Opening Shock 
The force experienced by the jumper due to sudden deceleration during parachute deployment.

Secondary or backup parachute.

United States Parachute Association

Georgia Skydiving FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Skydiving in Georgia
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Frequently Asked Questions about Skydiving in Georgia